
sábado, 17 de março de 2012

Dj Elements

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Olá pessoal, hoje, não podes perder a Dj Elements, ela vai estar a actuar hoje .
Queres saber onde?

Aqui vai .
Hoje no Be Club na Praia de Francelos, no CC Atlantic Center (Avenida Infante Sagres 791)
Não percas, ela vai mostar-te o verdadeiro power da música eletrónica, uma noite memorável, e o inicio de uma grande noite.
Ela inicia a sua actuação às 22h a qual terminará por volta das 4.00h


22h às 22.25h - Música ambiente
22.25h às 23.25h - Deep House
23.15h às 24h - Remeber old times com house antigo
24h à 1h - Surpresa com muito house
1h às 2h - House e latin House
2h às 3h - "   "
3h às 4h - House

Aqui tens o cartaz, não te esqueças. DJ ELEMETS

Ela conta contigo lá :)

Mais info em : 91 207 49 20
Página no Facebook :
Evento Be Club :

Aparece :)

sexta-feira, 16 de março de 2012

Who I am? // Quem sou eu?

0 comentários

Dj Elements was born 1994 in Portugal, Gaia.
It became a dream whens he went to a nightclub for the first time. She could feel the vibration that the DJ's booth felt when they were in the music. The biggest night for a DJ, is not that we receive more money but the one where you can easily capture the attention of the public, and no greater happiness for a real dj's excited to see the audience dancing to their music.
In 2009, more curiosity had that feeling, and loved to feel it too, then began to inform themselves of the programs that could be used, and no doubt, what gives you pleasure, is the house, minimal and techno started playing without paths for the future, we started one year of play, and that's what she did day after day. This year, ran a competition for the nova era the set that you sent to the radio is on page today already have the table, already have their feet on the future and want to be able to make it her life. As she says "was not me who chose to love music, but it was that made me love her because she makes me feel really good"